6 Questions to Ask Your Exterior Home Contractor Before Hiring One

If you’re finally ready to start work on the exterior of your home, like painting, replacing siding, soffits and gutters, right down to shiny new address number, it’s important to hire a reputable professional to work on the exterior of your home. 

Not vetting a contractor can leave you with poor or unfinished work and out thousands of dollars. In today’s blog, Legacy Group Exteriors provides a set of almost foolproof questions to ask every home contractor. That way your biggest worry is choosing avocado versus asparagus green paint color and not an attorney. 

1. Are You Licensed? 

If a contractor is operating a legitimate business, many states will require they be registered, licensed, bonded, and insured. The contractor can provide this state-issued license number upon request. Use it to search and see any claims or judgments against them. The company’s listing can also identify names of any other businesses of which they’ve owned.

2, Do You Have Any Former Companies? 

If you’ve done a search using their license number and a different business or businesses have come up as being associated with this person, ask questions. There can be legitimate reasons for closing one business of the same type and opening a new one, such as a partnership dissolution or move. However, if they seem reluctant to discuss or fail to reveal any claims or judgements, it should be a warning sign. The Better Business Bureau is a great place to call for more information about this contractor.  

3. Are You Bonded and Insured?  

A reputable contractor should be bonded and insured, not only for you, but for the business as well. Ask to see a copy of the insurance and pay attention to the type of insurance that is carried and for how much. If the insurance isn’t enough to cover your property, you may want to look elsewhere. 

4. How Do You Communicate?

On any project, effective communication is vital. This could be the difference between painting your house avocado green when you clearly chose asparagus.  Ask for at least two ways to reach the contractor, by mobile phone, landline, office or address. Call the numbers you are given immediately to make sure they are legitimate. If the address you are supplied is a P.O. box, this could be a hint that the company isn’t as stable as you would prefer. 

5. Do You Offer Free Estimates?  

Any experienced contractor has a good idea of costs for most things. If you need to replace the guttering on your 2,400-square-foot house, he should be able to give you a ballpark estimate and then come back to you with hard costs after identifying the brand and style of material you requested. If your contractor is unable to do this, it could signal that he doesn’t have the experience you need for the project. 

6. Will You Listen to My Concerns? 

Explaining what you want and feeling like the other person isn’t listening or doesn’t understand can be frustrating. This is especially true if your personal brand preferences are not being shown and the project is expensive. If you notice issues with listening, understanding and delivering early on in the process, best to find someone else who can. One way to avoid this is to ask for examples of projects like yours. Many contractors should have a website, social media page, or pictures and videos that display their work. If they have never colored and sealed concrete, chances are you’re not going to get the look you want.

Legacy Group Exteriors in Greater Cincinnati

If you’re looking for a trusted partner for your next home project, call the professionals at Legacy Group Exteriors. We are a family-owned company that never builds anything  we wouldn’t want to live in and show off ourselves. If you have questions about construction services for residential, municipal, commercial or government buildings, contact us today.