Poor drainage puts your house at risk of severe flooding. Even if you install a sewage pump, water will seep into the basement of your home if there is no effective drainage channel. A proper roof runoff system can divert water from the paved area to the storm drainage system, and most importantly, it can divert water from the home. Keep reading to ensure you have the most effective system and proper care for your gutters and downspouts.
Clean Gutters
It’s crucial to inspect and clean drains regularly. Twice annually, once before fall and once before spring. Also, check and repair berms and ditches as needed. Finally, inspect your gutter connection points and do necessary maintenance to any loose joints. The drain should be replaced every 25-30 years or so; keep that in mind as you maintain it annually.
Install a drain guard, which is vital to preventing clogging and drain overflow. You can buy these from any gutter maintenance crew or home improvement store.
Use Nature for Drainage
Garden plants are a great way to utilize the natural water without just causing a soggy yard. These will help you provide natural solutions to drainage problems. By creating a rain garden to treat water runoff, turn your problems into your benefit—plant low-maintenance shrubs along the landscaping to collect any excess water.
Efficient Runoff and Drainage
Expanding downspout can be a huge benefit to your runoff problem. There are many different ways to do this, but we recommend using Zip Hinge to build your retractable downspout. It’s cost-effective and easy to install. You’ll just cut the gutter extender at a 45-degree angle and then connect it to the downpipe with Zip Hinge and a handful of screws. If you have questions, call a professional from Legacy Group Exteriors.
Make changes to lead water to storm drains or dry wells. It’s worth the call to a plumber to discuss installing a drainage pump that will lead water out of your house and into a nearby storm drain. Most residential houses have them nearby enough that a standard pump will suffice.
Improving slopes and slopes is a considerable step towards efficient draining. This may require professional excavation and is one of the more significant investments, but it may need water to overflow near your home. Again, this is where consulting with a plumber can be beneficial.
Look for Low Spots
Finally, check the low spots around the house. If you notice a gap or area of concern, fill it in as soon as possible or call a plumber to find the proper treatment method. There are always weather-caused shifts in landscaping or edging around the house. Keeping up with them will help you stay ahead of any potential leaks.
Following these tips will prevent you from having a costly flood maintenance bill down the road. Don’t wait until disaster strikes to call a professional. Establish a relationship with a plumber, a landscaper, and an exterior contractor to find out the best steps you can take to protect your house.
Need Professional Gutter Installation? Call Legacy Group Exteriors
If you need assistance installing new gutters, we can help. At Legacy Group Exteriors, our promise is always quality service and a job well done. Contact us today for a quote.